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Affiliated to Sushikshan Prasarak Mandal, Pinjar

Sushikshan Prasarak Mandal, Pinjar

Bhausaheb Lahane Dnyanprakash Arts College

Pinjar Tal  – Barshitakli  Dist – Akola.
Re – Accredited by “NAAC” (Third Cycle with CGPA 2.11)

Incentive Marks

 S.G.B. Amravati University passed an Ordinance (No. 1/85) w.e.f. 1986 to award incentive marks to examinees, with the purpose of encouraging them to participate in the extra curricular activities listed below. The incentive marks can be awarded up to a maximum 5% of the total marks of all papers taken together.

Incentive marks can be obtained under various heads

1Blood Donation (each time) (maximum 5)…2 marks
2Games & Sports
a. Participation in University recognised inter college contest .....3 Marks
b. Participation in inter University contest …
5 Marks
a. Participation for entire year (120 hour’s) …5 Marks
b. Participation for entire year (Including one camp)…
5+1 Marks
4Cultural Activities
a. Participation in University Recognised inter-College Debate/ Elocation/Drama/Song.3 Marks
b. Participation in Inter University contest…
4 Marks
5Participation in Government Sponsored Essential Statistics Collection Drives…..5 marks
6Besides these activities, incentives marks will also be awarded for the activities to be announced by the University from time to time