Principal Desk
![Dr.V.C. Kharode [ Principal ]](
Dr.V.C. Kharode
My college is located in rural area. The directorate body, teaching staff and students of this collage are loyal to their motherland. All including the farmer who toils for a whole day and labourers bears equal pain. Economical exogency remains part and parcel of their whole being. On the contrary, the nature, many lenders always seems happy beyond limit. Generation born with poverty is the onl heritage, the village clams with pride. Ethic prays for te region of exploiters the poor which never found place. And led their exploited to commit the art of sucided.
The education remain untouched to such people, due to lack of money and age long illiterate generation. As a result of this darkness, their forthcoming generation rarely come in this flow of education. But today education even higher education reached at their doorstep.
An rural collage are carrying this responsibility. Each of the rural collage are carrying this responsibility. Each of the rural collage, its staff try hard to impart education, though not strictly in the time or manner as metropolitician or urban college but what ever done or is being done is a matter to be noted. Teaching and nonteaching staff remain positive and comfortable with enthusiasm neglecting the deficiencies they face in teaching-learning process. Thus depression of all kind, such as to be rural in location etc, is fun from the functioning of this college.
Of myself, as a principle, always tried to look at the sunny side of the happenings and did what is good. Almost all of the departments are fully furnished and availed with updated networking (Internet) service. The college proposed to inclusion order 2(F) and 12(B) of the UGC Act 1956. The college premises became delighting due to beautification, development of gerden and plantation of flowers and trees. Students feel happy when they are in. we try to fullfill the needs of society and point out the drawbacks of their dive. Also we arrange the programme of social worker to guide students about their aim. The father of Information Act, Shri Anna Hajare visited the college and guided young students and inspired them to use their information weapean to establish transperancy and access to knowledge. Three days camp and satsang programme was organised in the college by the members of the ‘Art of Living’ family. In response to the university appeal the college organised ‘Blood Donation’ camp in the campus annually. To give right way of successful life “Career Councelling Cell” is opened in college.
With the future full of dreams and the present inspiring we have to carry on responsibility of providing education up to the very last element of the society. I concluded with the hope of ‘Erost’ who says “and miles to go before I sleep”.